There are many different ways that people can choose to connect with their guardian angel. Some people may prefer to talk to their guardian angel out loud, while others may prefer to connect with them through prayer or meditation. No matter what method you choose, the important thing is that you are open to receiving guidance and support from your guardian angel. In this guide you will learn the ways to Invoke Your Guardian Angel.

You also learn: How to Connect with Your Angel [Spiritual Guide]
One of the simplest ways to Invoke your guardian angel is to:
- Lie down in bed,
- Close your eyes, and empty your mind.
- ( It is important to find a comfortable position in which your hands and feet are not touching each other.)
- Once you are settled, simply let go and allow yourself to drift into a relaxed state.
- After a while, you may begin to feel your body becoming lighter.
- (This only comes with practice )
- This is a sign that you are beginning to connect with your guardian angel.
- Greet your angel: Hello!
There are many ways to invoke your guardian angel, but here is a basic outline on How you Invoke Your Guardian Angel to get you started:
There are many ways to invoke your guardian angel, but here is a basic outline on How you Invoke Your Guardian Angel to get you started:
- First, find a quiet place where you can relax and be free from distractions.
- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
- When you’re ready, begin by saying a prayer or invoking a higher power that you believe in.
- Then, state your intention for summoning your guardian angel. For example, you might say something like, “I ask that my guardian angel please come to me now.”
- Visualize your guardian angel appearing before you. You can imagine them taking any form you desire, whether it be a traditional angelic being or something else entirely.
- Finally, thank your guardian angel for coming to you and aiding you on your journey.
Why You Would Want to Invoke Your Guardian Angel
Have you ever felt lost, confused, or hopeless? Maybe you’ve been struggling with a particular issue for what seems like forever, and no matter what you do, you can’t seem to find a way out. If this sounds familiar, then it might be time to consider invoking your guardian angel.
Your guardian angel is a powerful being who is always with you, even when you can’t see or feel them. They are there to protect you and guide you through life’s challenges. By invoking your guardian angel, you are asking for their help and guidance.
There are many ways to invoke your guardian angel. One way is to simply ask them for help. You can do this out loud or in your head. Another way is to light a white candle and say a prayer or visualization.
guardian angel prayers
Here is a simple guardian angel prayer you can use:
Dear guardian angel,
I am feeling lost and confused. I need your help. Please guide me through this difficult time. Show me the way to happiness and peace. I am open to receiving your guidance. Thank you.
If you are struggling with a specific issue, you can also ask your guardian angel to help you with that. For example, if you are having financial difficulties, you can say:
Dear guardian angel,
I am having financial difficulties. I need your help. Please guide me to a solution. Help me to find a new job or more money. I am open to receiving your guidance. Thank you.
You can also ask your guardian angel for help with relationships, health, or any other area of your life.
When you invoke your guardian angel, be open to receiving guidance in any form. This could come in the form of a dream, a gut feeling, or a sign from the universe. Be patient and trust that your guardian angel is always with you, even when you can’t see them.
Learn some more ways to invoke your guardian angel?
We all have Guardian Angels watching over us, but sometimes we need a little help from them. Whether you’re facing a difficult situation or just need some guidance, here are four ways to invoke your Guardian Angel:
1. Call upon them by name.
When you direct your request to your Guardian Angel by name, they are more likely to hear you and respond. So, if you need help with something, simply say, ”
Dear Guardian Angel
(insert your name here), please help me with (insert your request here).”
2. Send them a prayer.
Prayers are a powerful way to connect with your Guardian Angel. So, if you’re feeling lost or need some guidance, take a few moments to send them a prayer.
3. Ask for their help through meditation.
Meditation is a great way to connect with your Guardian Angel. By quieting your mind, you can open yourself up to their guidance. So, if you’re struggling with something, try meditating on it and asking for your Guardian Angel’s help.
4. Keep them close.
One of the best ways to invoke your Guardian Angel is to keep them close. So, carry a photo of them with you or keep a statue of them in your home. And, whenever you need their help, simply look at their picture or statue and say a prayer.
When we think of guardian angels, we often think of them as protectors who are always with us, watching over us and keeping us safe. But did you know that you can actually invoke your guardian angel’s help and guidance whenever you need it? Here’s how:
- First, relax and clear your mind. You can do this by taking a few deep breaths and focusing on your breath as you exhale.
- Once you’re feeling calm and centered, simply state your intention out loud or in your mind, asking for your guardian angel’s help.
- Then, visualize your guardian angel coming to you. See them as a bright light or a figure of pure love and protection.
- Finally, thank your guardian angel for their help.
You can invoke your guardian angel’s help whenever you need it, whether it’s for protection, guidance, or simply a boost of positive energy. Just remember to relax, state your intention, and visualize your guardian angel coming to you. Thank them afterwards, and know that they are always with you, watching over you and keeping you safe.
When you feel lost, or alone, or like you can’t go on, it’s time to reach out to your guardian angel. Here’s how:
- Get comfortable.
- Sit or lie down in a position that feels natural and relaxed to you.
- Close your eyes and take a few deep, cleansing breaths.
- As you exhale, imagine all of your worries and concerns melting away.
- Now, simply call out to your guardian angel.
- You can say something like, “Angel of mine, please come to me now.”
- Listen. Once you’ve invoked your guardian angel, be still and listen for a response.
- It might come in the form of a thought, a feeling, or even a physical sensation.
- Thank your guardian angel. When you receive guidance from your angel, be sure to thank them.
- This helps to keep the channel of communication open.
- Follow your angel’s guidance. Trust that your guardian angel is here to help you, and follow their guidance.
- Repeat as needed.
- Whenever you feel lost, or confused, or in need of help, simply call on your guardian angel. They will always be there for you.
The Benefits of Invoking Your Guardian Angel
When you invoke your guardian angel, you are asking for their help and protection. This can be done through prayer, meditation, or simply by asking for their help.
Your guardian angel is there to help you in whatever way they can. They can help you through tough times, protect you from harm, and guide you on your life path.
There are many benefits to invoking your guardian angel. Here are just a few:
1. They can help you through tough times
If you are going through a tough time, your guardian angel can help you. They can provide you with strength, comfort, and hope.
2. They can protect you from harm
Your guardian angel can protect you from harm. They can help you avoid accidents, dangerous situations, and harmful people.
3. They can guide you on your life path
Your guardian angel can guide you on your life path. They can help you make decisions, find your purpose, and overcome challenges.
4. They can bring you peace of mind
When you invoke your guardian angel, you can feel at peace. Knowing that they are there to help you can bring you a sense of calm and comfort.
5. They can help you connect with the divine
When you invoke your guardian angel, you are connecting with the divine. This can help you feel closer to God, the Universe, and your higher self.
If you are looking for guidance, protection, or simply a sense of peace, invoking your guardian angel can help.